Best Practice B-06: Data sovereignty and trust: What should IT industry (and the states organisations) learn after eID referendum heated discussions?
Thursday, March 11, 2021 11:55 AM to 12:27 PM · 32 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Best Practice Purple Stage
Best Practice Purple Stage April 7
On March 7, the Swiss population rejected the new eID law. A new bill will therefore have to be put in place by the confederation. This strategy will have to consider the legitimate fears of the citizens communicated by this popular decision, in particular the fact that commercial interests must not jeopardize the sovereignty of personal data.
This is not an obstacle to the digitalization of our country. But our IT industry and state organisations have to think again the way they are interacting and offering trusted solutions to citizen in the future.
Speaker Expert Tracks

Christophe Gerber
General ManagerELCASecurity AG/SA