Best Practice B-02 SS: GRC Perspective on the COVID-19 Crisis

Best Practice B-02 SS: GRC Perspective on the COVID-19 Crisis

Thursday, March 11, 2021 8:45 AM to 9:12 AM · 27 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Best Practice Purple Stage
Best Practice Purple Stage April 7


The COVID-19 crisis management made enormous demands on many organisations. In the context of this crisis management, quick and uncomplicated decisions had to be made; decisions were made pragmatically and ad-hoc.  In the aftermath, it is now important to take care of any risks and compliance violations. This is why T-Systems has developed the COVID-19 Alpha Assessments. A governance assessment specifically tailored to the aftermath of this crisis. Now is the time to ensure that the organisation is still in compliance with its own policies & guidelines and the corresponding legal requirements.

T-Systems Schweiz AGDeutsch: Die T-Systems beschäftigt an mehreren Standorten in der ganzen Schweiz rund 560 Mitarbeitende. Wir begleiten unsere Schweizer Kunden auf dem Weg in die Digitalisierung und legen dabei grossen Wert auf Sicherheit. Sensible Kundendaten bleiben bei uns in der Schweiz, denn wir verfügen über eigene TwinCore Rechenzentren in der Umgebung von Bern. Mit diesen starken lokalen Lieferfähigkeiten sind wir in der Lage, auch komplexe, internationale Lösungen in einem Schweizer Data Center zu betreiben. Auch im Bereich Security profitieren unsere Kunden sowohl von lokalen Security Spezialisten als auch von unseren über 1200 Security Spezialisten weltweit. Das Security Team setzt alles daran, die eigenen IT-Systeme und Netze sowie die Daten von unseren Kunden gegen Angriffe aus dem Netz zu schützen, neue Sicherheitslösungen für Kunden zu entwickeln und kontinuierlich an neue Anforderungen anzupassen.  English: T-Systems employs some 560 staff at several locations across Switzerland. We assist our Swiss customers as they make the transition to digitisation, and place great emphasis on security in doing so. Sensitive customer data remains held by us in Switzerland, for we have our own TwinCore data-processing centres around greater Bern. These strong local delivery capabilities enable us to execute even the most complex, international solutions at a Swiss data centre. And in terms of security, our customers enjoy the expertise of both local security specialists and our more than 1200 security specialists worldwide. The security team does all possible to protect its own IT systems and networks, as well as our customers’ data, against Internet attacks, develop new security solutions for customers, and continuously adapt these to new requirements.  

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