Best Practice B-02 SS: GRC Perspective on the COVID-19 Crisis
Thursday, March 11, 2021 8:45 AM to 9:12 AM · 27 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Best Practice Purple Stage
Best Practice Purple Stage April 7
The COVID-19 crisis management made enormous demands on many organisations. In the context of this crisis management, quick and uncomplicated decisions had to be made; decisions were made pragmatically and ad-hoc. In the aftermath, it is now important to take care of any risks and compliance violations. This is why T-Systems has developed the COVID-19 Alpha Assessments. A governance assessment specifically tailored to the aftermath of this crisis. Now is the time to ensure that the organisation is still in compliance with its own policies & guidelines and the corresponding legal requirements.
Speaker Best Practice
Dominique C. Brack
Principal Information Security ALPINET-SystemsRegistered attendees
Shivam Mukhi
Cyber Security ProfessionalMaersk