Best Practice B-06 ST: A SOC living with Multiple SIEMs? The perfect wedding!
Wednesday, March 10, 2021 12:00 PM to 12:27 PM · 27 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Best Practice Purple Stage
Best Practice Purple Stage April 6
Splunk or Azure Sentinel? Or maybe Graylog? In a perfect world the choose of a SIEM for your SOC must be easy. But in reality, it will be a little more complicated. Costs savings, speed of the searches, unified view of events with beautiful dashboards, ease of maintenance, etc. so many different criteria to take care before the final choice. However, if you have trouble with scaling and otherwise utilizing your SIEM, the answer may in fact be in getting another that works better for some tasks. Maybe the solution is to run multiple SIEM tools in the same environment?
At Hacknowledge we support many SIEM for different situations. Let's talk about our vision to boost the security visibility. It's a SOC and SIEM talk here!
Registered attendees
Juerg Fischer
Solutions Engineering Manager, AlpsSplunk