XM Cyber
Gold Sponsors
XM Cyber is the global leader in Attack-Centric Risk Prioritization, which is also known as Risk-Based Vulnerability Management (RBVM).
The XM Cyber platform enables companies to rapidly respond to cyber risks affecting their business-sensitive systems by continuously finding new exposures, including exploitable vulnerabilities and credentials, misconfigurations, and user activities.
XM Cyber constantly simulates and prioritizes the attack paths putting
mission-critical systems at risk, providing context-sensitive remediation
XM Cyber helps to eliminate 99% of the risk by focusing allowing IT
and Security Operations to focus on the 1% of the exposures before they get
exploited to breach the organization’s “crown jewels” – its critical assets.
XM Cyber was founded by top executives from the Israeli cyber intelligence
community and has offices in North America, Europe, and Israel.