Clue Security Services AG



Clue addresses the day to day security needs of its clients and solves them with a combination of enterprise tools, expert knowledge and simplification for the customer.

Managed Service offerings allow faster implementations and provide security expert insourcing where the need is. Services can be taken “off the shelf” instead of platform research and development.

For companies with IT security needs, Clue is the most flexible managed service provider with a guaranteed low TCO because we make enterprise grade security affordable, tailor our service to your exact needs, and don’t lock you in fixed service plans.

Services cover Perimeter Security, Application Security Vulnerability Management, Cloud Security and Strong Authentication as well as Industrial IoT Security, Remote Access and Security Monitoring.


-       Personal contact for integration and operations
-       Smart combination of off-the-shelf components with customisation to meet the requirements
-       Lower cost & end-of-month invoicing
-       Flexible service delivery
-       No lock-in contracts, upgrade or downgrade your service as you go
-       Enterprise grade security for “everyone”

Market specificities
Audit, consulting, operation, trainingInfrastructure and Equipment securityData securityUser security

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