Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd.

Platinum Sponsors


Cyber security for the networked world

Is your organisation armed against cyber attacks?

Security facilitates and accelerates digitisation.

Digitisation means high-intensity connectivity. People, machines, technology and business are all interconnected. Processes are being digitised. Many systems can be accessed from any location via the internet: this makes cyber security a critical priority, as threats are constantly evolving. Professional rather than amateur hackers are now using novel attack vectors. Many organisations are unable to tackle these cyber threats alone. This calls for round-the-clock security solutions with preventive measures that adapt continuously, and ongoing monitoring for the early detection of breaches. Not forgetting security specialists who intervene immediately.

Market Specificity
Data securityInfrastructure and Equipment securityUser securityIntelligence and information gatheringInvestigation and search for evidenceAudit, consulting, operation, trainingOther

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